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Junior members progressing to flying powered aircraft and job opportunities with a major airline

Two of our junior members have recently qualified for flying scholarships for powered flight and have successfully passed the syllabus to fly solo. Both have accredited a large amount of their success to the fact that they have learnt to fly gliders with us at Welland Gliding Club


Here is Jo's recent feedback following his successful powered flight course and gaining a job opportunity with British Airways

"The course was amazing thank you, the flying was just amazing. I was able to milk the air cadets of all 12 hours on offer and did my first powered solo at the end of the course.

The first half of the course was spent learning effects of controls, climbs and descents, turning and stalling which was all super familiar due to the gliding (Apart from the E in HASELL of course haha). We then spent the rest circuit bashing which was definitely the most fun! Whilst there are some major differences in the circuit between gliding and powered it didn’t feel like an unfamiliar place thanks to the gliding so I could focus more on practicing the landings rather than worrying about how to fly the circuit as-well as RT. For example, managing the rate of descent on approach follows the same logic you're just using the throttle instead of the air brakes.

We were quickly introduced to engine failures after take-off which again felt quite familiar to a winch launch failure albeit less exciting and dropping more like a brick. Due to the location of Dundee this was almost always setting up for a ditching in the water or on the sand bar close to the coastline. We had to fly a few glide approaches as well from the downwind leg so once again this did not feel overly unfamiliar and was good to show off my gliding skills haha!

We also had to sit a theory exam consisting of air law, circuit procedures, aircraft technical data, radio and emergency procedures which was no harder than the bronze exams.

"My experience from gliding really helped me feel comfortable with the aircraft and lots of the procedures straight away and I cannot be more thankful to yourself and the club for everything both flying and non-flying wise that allowed me to complete the course and fly solo."

I'm starting at British Airways on the 1st week of September so the flying will likely stop again for a little while but as soon as I'm settled, I'll look at re-joining a club with the aim of getting my TMG rating and then hopefully I can come over for a visit!"

Ethan also reported back following his successful course

On Tuesday after 11hrs 25mins of flying in the PA28 Warrior up at Tayside Aviation in Dundee, I was sent solo for a single circuit of the airport.

The course was an absolutely amazing experience and I can now say that, at 16 years old, I have flown both powered aircraft and gliders solo.

This scholarship has now put me 25% of the way to my full PPL, something that I may be considering in the future

Is this a dream of yours? Welland Gliding Club can help you on your way.

Welland Gliding Club Vouchers

Dip your toe in the water with one of our Flying Experience Vouchers (available on our website) - these also make an excellent, unusual gift for friends and family.

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